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Phrasal Verbs With TAKE in English 

Take after sb


to resemble somebody

Example Sentence;

Your son doesn’t take after you in any way.

Take sth back


to return sth to its first place

Example Sentence;

I went to the library and took the books back.

Take off


to start flying

Example Sentence;

The plane will take off in a minute.

Take on


to accept

Example Sentence;

Don’t take on more than you can handle.

Take down


to remove sth from high position

Example Sentence;

Take down this book and read slowly

Take against


to start to dislike

Example Sentence;

Why have you suddenly taken against her?

Take in


to allow sb to stay in your home

Example Sentence;

My house is full; I can’t take in any more guests.

Take away


to remove sth/sb from

Example Sentence;

Take away the glasses and the tray.

Take over


to get control of sth

Example Sentence;

He can take over the business when I’m away.

Take apart


to seperate sth into parts

Example Sentence;

This crib takes apart for easy storage.

Phrasal Verbs With CUT in English 

Cut back

Definitions; to reduce

Example SentencesThe Government will cut back on defence spending.

Cut off

Definitionsto remove by cutting

Example SentencesHe cut off all the overhanging branches in the garden.

Cut down

Definitionsto use less of sth

Example SentencesI’m trying to cut down on sugar. 

Cut out

Definitionsto stop working

Example SentencesThere are two enginesOne of them cut out yesterday.

Cut up

Definitionsto cut into pieces

Example SentencesMy mother cut up the onionand put them in the pot.

Cut through

Definitionsto go through by cutting

Example SentencesWcut through the solid rock tbuild the tunnel .

Cut across 

Definitionsto make a shorter route

Example SentencesIf I cut across the field, it’ll save time.

Cut into

Definitionsto shortening into parts or to make sth smaller

Example Sentences;  Knives easily cut into the cake.

Cut in

Definitionsto interrupt

Example SentencesWhen you cut in on our conversationwe were talking

Phrasal Verbs With RUN in English 

Run along

Definition: to tell sb to go away

Example SentenceRun along now, childrenI’m busy.

Run down

Definition: to decline in number or size

Example SentenceThe battery has run down it needs recharging.

Run on

Definition: to continue without interruption

Example SentenceThe discussion ran on for hours.

Run over

Definition: to look at quickly

Example SentenceWe‘ll just run over the main points again.

Run around

Definition: to be very busy doing lots of things

Example SentenceThe child ran around all day in the garden

Run against

Definition: to oppose towards sb or sth

Example SentenceLuck was really running against you yesterday

Run into

Definition: to be very busy doing lots of things

Example SentenceI’ve run into difficulty with the project.

Run away

Definition: to leave a place or sb

Example SentenceThe prisoners ran away from the prison.

Run across

Definition: to meet or to find unexpectedly

Example Sentenceran across some old friends at the party.

Run after

Definition: to chase

Example SentenceWhy do dogs run after cats? 

Phrasal Verbs PUT in english 

Put up with

Definition: to tolerate

Example Sentence I can’t put up with it any longer.

Put on

Definition: to wear

Example SentenceShe put on a new pair of nylon socks.

Put down

Definition: to write

Example SentencePut down your name in capitals.

Put out

Definition: to stop burning

Example SentenceIt took two hours to put out the fire

Put in

Definition: to apply for sth

Example SentenceI decided to put in for a job as deputy secretary.

Put through

Definition: to connect sb by phone

Example SentenceHe asked to be put through to Charley Lunn. 

Put off

Definition: to delay

Example SentenceNever put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

Put by

Definition: to save money

Example SentenceTry to put by a little bit each week

Put across

Definition: to explain sth clearly

Example SentenceHe was trying to put across a serious point

Put away

Definition: to clean up, to tidy

Example SentencePut away any valuable or breakable objects. 

Phrasal Verbs – SET 

Set about

Definition: to begin doing sth

Example Sentence: She set about studying.

Set back

Definition:to delay sth or sb

Example Sentence: The government will set back the reforms.

Set down

Definition: to write

Example Sentence: The rules for service have been set down

Set on/upon sb

Definition: to attack sb

Example Sentence: He was set on by vicious dog.

Set in

Definition: to take root, start and continue

Example Sentence: The rainy season has set in

Set aside

Definition: to keep sth available for a purpose

Example Sentence: We set aside some money for repairs.

Set to

Definition: to start working or dealing with something

Example Sentence: If they all set to, they should be able to finish.

Set up

Definition: to place or to build sth

Example Sentence: The travelers set up a camp on the river bank

Set off

Definition: to initiate sth working

Example Sentence: Someone set off a fire extinguisher

Phrasal Verbs with GET in English 

Get along

Definition: to have a friendly relationship

Example SentenceIt’s impossible to get along with her.

Get down (to)

Definition: to give serious atttention

Example SentenceLet’s get down to work

Get ahead

Definition: to be success

Example SentenceHwants to get ahead in his career.

Get over

Definition: to overcome

Example SentenceHow would you get over that problem?

Get around

Definition: to visit lots of places

Example Sentence: It’s quite easy to get around London. 

Get through

Definition: to be connected by phone

Example SentenceI tried to call her but couldn’t get through.

Get (sb) down

Definition: to make sb feel sad

Example Sentence: When my work gets me down, I want to resign.

Get away

Definition: to escape from sb/sth

Example SentenceShe‘ll get away from work as soon as she can. 

Get across

Definition: to make sb understand

Example Sentence: Your meaning didn’t really get across.

Get out

Definition: to become known

Example Sentence: I don’t want it to get out that I’m leaving.

Get after

Definition: to pursue

Example SentenceThe police got after the crooks in the city. 

Get into

Definition: to become interested in sth

Example SentenceI ‘m getting into politics nowadays.

Get on

Definition: to have a good relationship

Example SentenceShe gets on everone.

Get back

Definition: to return to a place

Example SentencePleasegive me a call when you get back.

Get behind

Definition: to fall into arrears

Example Sentence: If you get behind in your car payments, the car may be repossessed.

Get together

Definition: to meet socially

Example Sentence: We usually get together once a week.

Get off

Definition: to leave a place

Example SentenceWe will get off at 8 o’clock.

Get in

Definition: to enter a car,train,etc.

Example SentenceI’m inviting you to get in the car.

Get up

Definition: to stand up

Example Sentence: I got up from the chair and opened the door.

Get out of

Definition: to avoid

Example SentenceThe only way of getting out of housework is to be ill.

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