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What is the present perfect?

The present perfect tense connects the past with the present; it expresses completed past actions and experiences that have an influence on or connection to the present.

We use the present perfect when the exact time of the action is not important.

The present perfect is formed using the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of the main verb. Be aware that many languages have a tense that is similar to the present perfect, however, the usage is probably different.

Learn how to conjugate the present perfect and when to use it, then test your skills in the exercises.


Adam: You have been on your phone all day, you should take a break from party planning!

James: I know, but I want everything to be perfect. Lisa has never had a surprise party before.

Adam: She’s going to be delighted.

James: Hopefully! I’ve invited all of her friends and family and now I’m waiting for their replies.

Adam: Has Tony replied yet? I haven’t seen him for ages!

James: Not yet, but Ella has just sent a message. She doesn’t know if she can come.

Adam: That’s annoying, you have reminded her at least seven times!

James: I know, I’m getting worried. I have already ordered food and drinks for thirty people, but so far only ten have said yes!

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